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Placement Update 18-26

This is placement update 18-26, a weekly update of ongoing development related to the OpenStack placement service. This is an expand version.

For the next few weeks the "Specs" section will not be present. When we start reviewing specs for Stein, I'll add it back in.

Most Important

Nested allocation …

TC Report 18-26

All the bits and pieces of OpenStack are interconnected and interdependent across the many groupings of technology and people. When we plan or make changes, wiggling something here has consequences over there. Some intended, some unintended.

This is such commonly accepted wisdom that to say it risks being a cliche …

Placement Update 18-25

This is placement update 18-25, a weekly update of ongoing development related to the OpenStack placement service.

This is a "contract" version, meaning that the spec and other lists do no have new additions, they are updated to remove what has been merged or abandoned. This is done to encourage …

TC Report 18-25

Over the time that I've been observing the TC, there's been quite a lot of indecision about how and when to exercise power. The rules and regulations of OpenStack governance have it that the TC has pretty broad powers in terms of allowing and disallowing projects to be "official" and …

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