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Remote Literacy

Someone recently pointed out Working remotely, a set of ideas from someone who works at Hypothesis where remote working is the norm. The first idea is Read, write everything down, repeat.

It reminds me of two things:

  • The single most cogent piece of advice I've ever seen on how to …

Simple Resource Provision

When evaluating APIs (HTTP and otherwise) I am predisposed to simplicity and comprehensibility in implementation and use. That means the interface should:

  • have a limited number of resources
  • have simple representations of those resources with minimal dimensions (variables)
    • thus a correspondingly limited number of operations that can be performed across …

More Generic Resource Pools

One of the changes in progress to improve the scheduler or placement engine in Nova is something called generic resource pools. These are a way of representing an entity which can provide inventories of one or more class of resources (things like virtual cpus, disk, networks).

I was in the …

OpenStack: Not broken, but diffuse

A recent blog posting from Rackspace has the title Is OpenStack Broken?… Not So Fast, My Friend. It describes some of the statements that OpenStack is too complicated and hard to deploy as a perception problem because

...each of these refrains was largely coming from enterprise and mid-market customers who …

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