This is a summary of the main changes made to the Placement service in OpenStack, including only visible changes made to the placement service itself. This is cribbed from the commit history, but is only highlights, not a complete reckoning. There are plenty of other changes, both under the hood …
This is a followup to Placement Container Playground
Since its inception there's been a plan that the OpenStack Placement service will be extracted from the nova code repository into a repository of its own. There are a variety of reasons for this, including:
Nova is already huge.
It could help …
I've been experimenting with the OpenStack placement service in a container recently. This is a part of exploratory research to see what will be involved in doing one or both of the following:
Making a lightweight, but working, install of the placement service that includes as few imports and as …
This is my candidacy statement for the OpenStack Technical Committee, sent as email to the developers list.
I'm once again nominating myself to be your representative on the Technical Committee. I've been around OpenStack for about three years, most recently visible as the guy who writes those weekly updates about …