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Placement Scale Fun

Some notes on exploring how an OpenStack placement service behaves at scale.

The initial challenge is setting up a useful environment. To exercise placement well we need either or both of lots of instances and lots of resource providers (in the form of compute nodes where those instances can land …

Placement Container Playground 2

This is a brief followup to placement container playground, wherein I've been using sticking placement into a container with the smallest footprint as a way of exploring the issues involved with extracting placement from nova.

I have two series that experiment with changes that could reduce the footprint:

TC Report 18-06

Nothing revolutionary in the past week of Technical Committee discussion. At least not that I witnessed. If there's a revolutionary cabal somewhere, pretty please I'd like to be a part of it.

Main activity is (again) related to openstack-wide goals and preparing for the PTG in Dublin.

PTG Planning

The …

Placement Queens Summary

This is a summary of the main changes made to the Placement service in OpenStack, including only visible changes made to the placement service itself. This is cribbed from the commit history, but is only highlights, not a complete reckoning. There are plenty of other changes, both under the hood …

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