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Microversion Conversion Therapy

When I first joined the OpenStack community a few years ago I had a very bad reaction when exposed to microversions. This had more to do with the implementation (which struck me as a very Not Invented Here solution) than their actual purpose in life. Over time I've become adapted …

TC Report 34

Once again, a slow week in the world of TC-related activity. Plenty of people are on holiday or still engaged with release-related activity.

So really the only thing to talk about is that everyone who will be attending the PTG or who has concerns they wish to see addressed there …

TC Report 33

Some are still in peak release cycle time and others have left for their summer holidays, so once again: a bit of a slow week. No major spectacles or controversies, so the best I can do is give some summaries of the conversations in the #openstack-tc IRC channel.

Continuous Deployment …

TC Report 32

As we are still in the heady peak of the release cycle, there's not a great deal of Technical Committee activity to report, but I've dredged through some IRC logs to find a couple of bits that might be relevant to the slicke of governance activity that might actually be …

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