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OpenStack Denver PTG

Because it's a thing, here's my summary from the most recent OpenStack PTG in Denver. This was the second such event. A PTG is a "Project Teams Gathering". This means it is a time for contributors to the various OpenStack projects to do detailed planning for the coming development cycle …

TC Report 39

It has been a while since the last one of these that had any substance. The run up to the PTG and travel to and fro meant either that not much was happening or I didn't have time to write. This week I'll attempt to catch up with TC activities …

OpenDev 2017

I've spent the last couple of days at OpenDev. Here are some quick and dirty thoughts from the two days.

The event described itself as:

OpenDev is an annual event focused at the intersection of composable open infrastructure and modern applications. The 2017 gathering will focus on edge computing, bringing …

TC Report 35 (not)

There will be no TC Report this week and next because I'm traveling. The week after that is the PTG, at which I will try to be verbose.

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