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OpenStack Forum View

I've been lucky enough to go to the last few OpenStack Summits and to the first two PTG (Project Team Gathering) events. This means I've witnessed the transition from the unified conference + design summit to the separated conference + forum and the PTG. I think I've got enough data to say …

OpenStack Casual Contribution

This post is related to the earlier OpenStack Developer Satisfaction post, which may be of interest.

As part of the Forum at the recent OpenStack Summit in Sydney, there was a session on "Making OpenStack more palatable to part-time contributors". The session had an etherpad and there are some useful …

OpenStack Developer Satisfaction

When I ran for the OpenStack Technical Committee one of the roles I took for myself was something like a union rep for the people who are existing developers. The people who are there multiple times per week and self-identify as OpenStack developers. Earlier this year I started noticing (more …

TC Report 44

There's been a fair bit of various TC discussion but as I'm packing for my rather tortured journey to Sydney and preparing some last minute presentation materials, just a short TC Report this week, made up of links to topics in the IRC logs:

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