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TC Report 43

Welcome New TC Members

Main news to report about the OpenStack Technical Committee (TC) is that the elections have finished and there are some new members. The three incumbents that ran returned for another year, meaning three new people join. There's more information in a superuser article. Welcome and congratulations …

TC Report 42

we can't always hold the belief which we believe 5 years ago

After last week's report I got into an interesting conversation about it. The quote above is from that, by flwang1. I thought it was worth highlighting; OpenStack continues to evolve and grow and what was once true may …

TC Report 41

If there's a unifying theme in the mix of discussions that have happended in #openstack-tc this past week, it is power: who has it, what does it really mean, and how to exercise it.

This is probably because it is election season. After a slow start there is now a …

TC Report 40

This week opens OpenStack Technical Committee (TC) election season. There's an announcement email thread (note the followup with some corrections). Individuals in the OpenStack community may self-nominate up until 2017-10-08, 23:45 UTC. There are instructions for how to submit your candidacy.

If you are interested you should put yourself …

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