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Gabbi 1.36.0

The last blog post I made about gabbi was just under a year ago, announcing 1.29.0. Today I released 1.36.0. Several powerful features have been added in that interval, many of them by people other than me, which I take as a great sign of success …

TC Report 41

If there's a unifying theme in the mix of discussions that have happended in #openstack-tc this past week, it is power: who has it, what does it really mean, and how to exercise it.

This is probably because it is election season. After a slow start there is now a …

TC Report 40

This week opens OpenStack Technical Committee (TC) election season. There's an announcement email thread (note the followup with some corrections). Individuals in the OpenStack community may self-nominate up until 2017-10-08, 23:45 UTC. There are instructions for how to submit your candidacy.

If you are interested you should put yourself …

OpenStack Denver PTG

Because it's a thing, here's my summary from the most recent OpenStack PTG in Denver. This was the second such event. A PTG is a "Project Teams Gathering". This means it is a time for contributors to the various OpenStack projects to do detailed planning for the coming development cycle …

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