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Placement Update 18-38

Here's a placement update. Last week there wasn't one, because of the PTG. There will be some references to various PTG stuff within but since we haven't fully resolved what the priorities will be, the discussion here will be somewhat unfocused.

Most Important

Two main important things to do:

As …

TC Report 18-38

Rather than writing a TC Report this week, I've written a report on the OpenStack Stein PTG.

OpenStack Stein PTG

For the TL;DR see the end.

The OpenStack PTG finished yesterday. For me it is six days of continuous meetings and discussions and one of the most busy and stressful events in my calendar. I always get ill. There are too few opportunities to refresh my introversion. The negotiating …

Placement Update 18-36

Welcome back to the placement update. The last one was 5 weeks ago. I took a break to focus on some other things for a while. I plan to make it a regular thing again, but will be skipping next week for the PTG.

The big news is that there …

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