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TC Report 18-30

Yet another slow week at TC office hours. This is part of the normal ebb and flow of work, especially with feature freeze looming, but for some reason it bothers me. It reinforces my fears that the TC is either not particularly relevant or looking at the wrong things.

Help …

Placement Update 18-29

This is placement update 18-29, a weekly update of ongoing development related to the OpenStack placement service.

Thanks to Jay for providing one of these last week when I was away:

Most Important

Feature freeze is next week. We're racing now …

TC Report 18-29

Again a relatively slow week for TC discussion. Several members were travelling for one reason or another.

A theme from the past week is a recurring one: How can OpenStack, the community, highlight gaps where additional contribution may be needed, and what can the TC, specifically, do to help?

Julia …

TC Report 18-28

With feature freeze approaching at the end of this month, it seems that people are busily working on getting-stuff-done so there is not vast amounts of TC discussion to report this week.

Actually that's not entirely true. There's quite a bit of interesting discussion in the logs but it ranges …

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