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TC Report 18-11

Much of the activity of the TC in the past week has been devoted to discussing and sometimes arguing about two pending resolutions: Location of Interop Tests and Extended Maintenance (links below). While there has been a lot of IRC chat, and back and forth on the gerrit reviews, it …

TC Report 18-10

This is a TC Report, but since everything that happened in its window of observation is preparing for the PTG, being at the PTG, trying to get home from the PTG, and recovering from the PTG, perhaps think of this as "What the TC talked about [at] the PTG". As …

TC Report 18-08

Most TC activity has either been in preparation for the PTG or stalling to avoid starting something that won't be finished before the PTG. But a few discussions to point at.

When's the Next PTG?

Last Tuesday evening had a brief discussion asking when (and where) the next PTG will …

TC Report 18-07

A few things to report from the past week of TC interaction. Not much in the way of opportunities to opine or editorialize.


Still more on the topic of OpenStack wide goals. There was some robust discussion about the mox goal (eventually leading to accepting the goal, despite some …

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